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Online Services

Why use Patchs?

  • Save time – no more frustrating waits trying to get through via busy phone lines
  • Get help – let your GP know about your problem in your own words
  • More control – track the status of your query from your smartphone
  • Better access – communicate accurately in your own language
  • Be prioritized – if your query is urgent, your GP will know, and you will be given precedence according to the severity of your symptoms
  • Manage your health – request health advice, fit notes, prescription medication & more
  • Telephone/Video consultations – see your GP without leaving home
  • Easy to use – create a Patchs account on your phone or computer

to use Patchs follow the link below: 

GP online services allow you to access a range of services via your computer, mobile or tablet. Once you have signed up, you will be able to:

  • book or cancel appointments online

  • renew or order repeat prescriptions online

  • view parts of your GP record, including information about medication, allergies, vaccinations, previous illnesses and test results

You can still contact the practice by phone or in person, this is just another option, which other patients have found is more convenient and saves them time. More information including “how to” leaflets and videos of patients and why they are using GP online services are available at

How to sign-up

For more information, please contact reception or next time you visit the surgery, bring with you a piece of photo ID (passport, driving licence) and something with your address on like a bank statement but not a gas or electric bill. If you don’t have these, please talk to us and we will help you sign-up

Repeat PrescriptionsManage your Repeat Prescriptions
Cancel AppointmentsCancel any existing appointments
AppointmentsManage and book appointments



Dear patients,

I am sorry to have to let you know that we have got to the stage with our demand that we are needing to restrict PATCHS access. We are contractually obliged to offer an equal balance of access over the phone, via digital services (PATCHS) and face to face. Our demand via PATCHS has grown so significantly that there are days when we have very limited availability to offer patients who choose to access either by phone or face to face, which I hope you can appreciate is not sustainable and does not allow fair access to everyone. We do still want to make it as fair as possible for all those patients who prefer to access via PATCHS so we will be sharing our PATCHS availability across the day so more appointments will be opening through out the course of the day up to the maximum we believe we can safely manage without impacting on the availability for the other methods of contact. I understand that the time the next tranche become available shows if there are no slots available when you log in – and we have spread them out as much as the system allows. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding

Fiona Purdie

On behalf of Parklands Medical Practice

November 1st 2023  - Access to Medical Records

We sent a message last week that may not have opened correctly – this is what it advised


We’re required to provide you with access to your full medical record via the NHS app (& NHS website) if you’ve a suitable NHS login, from 22nd November 2023. We’re aware that not everyone will want access to their full record on the internet at this time, & there may be a worry about personal medical records being made available on smartphones or online especially if other people have access to devices.

If you would like to switch off access, please let us know before 17th November 2023. You can do this by emailing us at with your details and the words DECLINE ACCESS, by submitting a Patchs from our website or you can contact us by telephone, however, please ring after 11am. If you are happy to have access you DO NOT need to take any action, it will be set up automatically.

You can change your mind at any time by contacting the practice.

Further information is available here: NHS England » Patient information guides

Workforce Challenges

We would like to share some of the difficulties we are experiencing with gaps in our workforce.  Recently we have said goodbye to receptionists, nurses and doctors, mainly due to the level of verbal abuse levelled at the team by patients.

Abuse has increased significantly over the last 2 years leaving us with a front of house team with little experience.  Please be tolerant of any minor mistakes that may be made and be assured that the staff are doing their best to accommodate what the patients need.

At times it may be necessary to cancel or move appointments at short notice due to gaps in our teams.  We are sincerely sorry for the inconvenience this can cause, however, any rude or abusive behaviour towards any staff member is not acceptable.

We have a zero-tolerance policy towards rude and abusive behaviour. Any patient in breach of this policy will be contacted in writing and in some cases may be removed from the practice list.

We appreciate your cooperation at what is a challenging time for all of us.

Community Action Bradford & District, City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, and Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership (Act as One) have worked alongside voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations to establish a network of Warm Spaces throughout the district this winter

Cost of Living Bradford - Warm Spaces

NHS Digital Data Extraction

If you want to learn more about the NHS Digital data extraction that will go ahead on 23rd of June 2021 please go to :

This includes how to opt out.

Is your child feeling poorly?

You can download a handy booklet to help you know what to do and when to access health services when your child is feeling poorly. The booklet gives you advice about how to help treat your child at home when they have a common childhood illness like a cough, a cold or sickness and diarrhoea. Also included is some advice about asthma.

Is your child poorly leaflet

Care Navigation

When you ring to book a GP appointment, you might notice the reception team will ask you for a brief outline of how they can help you.

This is because we have introduced something called Care Navigation. It means reception teams at GP practices across Bradford District and Craven have been trained to ensure they can help you to find the best service for your needs, so you can receive the right care more quickly.

The service is only for all patients and anything you share will be kept confidential.

Through this specialist training, reception teams will be able to direct you to the most appropriate clinician or service for your needs.

Reception staff will never offer clinical advice. Instead, this new way of working is about offering your choice to see more appropriate professionals in your local practice team or even somewhere else. If they can deal with the problem directly, it will often be quicker and means you may not need to see a GP at all.

By working this way, it helps to free-up time for GPs to care for patients with complex or serious health conditions that can only be managed by a doctor. More importantly though, it means people are seen first by the clinician that is best placed to help you with your health needs.

For more information please click the link below.



This practice is part of the extended access service which provides GP, Physiotherapy, Nurse, and Health care assistant appointments from the following locations (hubs) across Bradford: 

- North hub: Shipley Medical Practice, Alexandra Road, Shipley, Bradford BD18 3EG

- Central hub: Picton Medical Centre, Westbourne Green Community Health Care Centre, Manningham, Bradford, BD8 8RA

- South hub: The Ridge Medical Practice, Cousen Road, Bradford, BD7 3JX


 As a patient registered with this practice, you have access to the following:

Weekday appointments

Evening appointments (6.30pm – 9.30pm) at any of the three hubs to see one of the following, subject to availability:

-  GP

- Physiotherapist

- Nurse

- Health care assistant

- Voluntary sector services

Weekend appointments

Weekend appointments are available with a GP from 10.00am - 1.00pm on Saturdays and Sundays from the central hub, subject to availability.


More information about appointments with the extended access service


The service is run by Bradford Care Alliance, which represents all GP practices in the Bradford area. Medical appointments are with GPs and other healthcare staff who work in the area; so your appointment may not be with a clinician from this practice. 

To use the service we will ask for your consent to share your medical record and our reception staff will explain what this means and why it is necessary. Click here to learn more about how and why we process your information.  

Further details of the services and location maps are available here.

Domestic Abuse


Part of our role is to support patients experiencing domestic abuse, this might mean you feel unsafe at home or that someone you love makes you feel frightened. Please let the receptionist know that is why you are calling if you can.


If you need support out of hours, please click here: or in an emergency call 999


We do have an email address ( for non-urgent non-clinical matters which may be easier to access safely. This is not checked every day so please do not use this if you require urgent assistance. If you send us an email asking for help or advice, we will arrange for someone to call you back as soon as we can.

Join your patient participation group

Would you like to be more involved in your GP surgery?

Would you like to help make improvements?

We would love for you to join the PPG group, speak to the Care Navigation Team in reception to find out more!


General Data Protection Regulation

On Friday 25th May 2018 the General data Protection Regulation comes into force.  This regulation ensures that the practice will have processes in place which ensure that all information held about patients and staff is secure.  for further information please see the practice Privacy Notice accessible on the right hand side of this web page. If you wish family members to speak to the practice on your behalf you must give us permission to do so.


LARC service

(Long acting reversible contraceptive)


Staffing pressures mean the practice can no longer offer this service in house at this time.  

Contraceptive and sexual health services can be accessed from LOCALA.

Contact centre for appointments and advice

030 3330 9500

Monday-Friday  08.30-16.30

February 2017

The practice hopes to deliver these services again soon once staffing shortages have been addressed.

The GP Patient Survey

Some patients registered at the surgery will soon receive a questionnaire about their experiences of local health services.

The survey covers issues such as access to services and satisfaction with treatment.

If you receive a survey please fill it in and return it as soon as possible.

It is really important that your views are heard.

Your response will help improve services we provide for our patients.

For further details and information in other languages please click the following link:

Friends And Family Test

How likely are you to recommend this practice to your friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?

PLEASE LET US KNOW...............

Pick up a questionnaire from Reception

Dental Emergencies

Patients who have a dental emergency but do not have access to a dentist should contact NHS 111. 

(Site updated 24/03/2025)

Contact Details

Parklands Medical Practice

Contact Telephone

01274 227575

Parklands Medical Centre

Contact Telephone

01274 678464
Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website